Ygvar, Astarotte
Female - Est. Age 7 to 12
Astarotte Ygvar - English
アスタロッテ・ユグヴァール - Japanese
Astarotte is a blonde succubus who will need to begin building a harem at only 10 years of age because when she fully matures, her body will require a regular supply of semen to keep away from wasting away. She is shown to be a lonesome child and aloof towards her classmates at school since they're going to treat her with royalty instead of her of just being a normal person regardlesss of her status as a princess.
Personality: Aggressive, Detached, Overly Emotional
Interests: Love, Sex
Occupations: Student
Height: Chibi
Weight: Slim
Bust: Small
Headgear: Hair Tie(s)
Neckwear: Collar
Fashions: Gothic, Lolita, Magic Girl, School Uniform
Physical Traits: Demon, Mythical
Hair: Waist Length, Pig Tails
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type II
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