Izuku, Midoriya
Male - Age 14 to 16
Deku - Japanese
緑谷出久 - Japanese
Midoriya was originally born without a Quirk. Through sheer determination and having a pure heart he quickly caught the attention of the #1 ranking super hero: All Might. All Might sees the nobility within young Midoriya and passes down the Quirk "All For One" to him. All Might begins training him unrelentingly because his current body is nowhere near strong enough to withstand all that power.
Birth Date: Jul 15
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Pork Cutlet Bowl
Role Model: All Might
Personality: Group-oriented, Intelligent, Loyal, Moralistic, Observant, Open, Organized, Overly Emotional, Practical, Realistic, Trusting
Height: 166cm
Hair: Ear Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type III
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  • Izuku, Midoriya - 4
  • Izuku, Midoriya - 0
  • Izuku, Midoriya - 1
  • Izuku, Midoriya - 2
  • Izuku, Midoriya - 3
  • Izuku, Midoriya - 4
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