Lady Chrystal
Female - Est. Age 24 to 59
The Evil Queen - English
Lady Chrsytal or better know as "The Evil Queen" is the new queen of Green Valley after Queen Rosebud's death. She was a beautiful woman with porcelain skin but very vain and evil. One of her main possession is the magic mirror in which she would often ask "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"
Personality: Abmitious, Cruel, Practical, Selfish, Sentimental, Serious
Interests: Death, Power
Occupations: Magic-user, Murder
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
Bust: Average
Headgear: Circlet, Crown, Ribbon(s)
Fashions: Royalty
Physical Traits: Mythical
Hair: Waist Length, Bun
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type II
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