Sakamoto, Ryōta
Male - Age 22
坂本・竜太 - Japanese
When Ryōta was a young child, his biological father never had anytime for him, always choosing business over family. He was hurt by the almost nonexistent presence and often plays children's games alone. When his parents finally divorce, due to his father choosing work over any form of family obligations, Ryōta felt even lonelier than before and started to take his anger out on the people around him. Now in the present, he's an almost recluse, living in his bedroom. His entire life revolves around an online game called BTOOOM!. His mom, tired of his lack of respect, called the number that made him enter the real life game.
Blood Type: B
Personality: Aggressive, Assertive, Confident, Impulsive, Independent, Moralistic, Trusting
Interests: Video Games
Height: 176cm
Hair: Ear Length
Eye Color:
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  • Sakamoto, Ryōta - 3
  • Sakamoto, Ryōta - 4
  • Sakamoto, Ryōta - 0
  • Sakamoto, Ryōta - 1
  • Sakamoto, Ryōta - 2
  • Sakamoto, Ryōta - 3
  • Sakamoto, Ryōta - 4
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