Yūki, Asuna
Female - Est. Age 16 to 24
Asuna is the main female protagonist of the series, Sword Art Online, her game alias is the same as her real world name. Asuna is a friend of Kirito and is a sub-leader of the Knights of the Blood Oath, a medium-sized guild acknowledged as the strongest guild in Aincrad. Being one of the few girls that play SAO and extremely attractive, she receives many invitations and proposals. Asuna is a strong-willed, accomplished player known in-game as the "Flash" (閃光 Senkō) for her extraordinary sword skill.
Blood Type: Other
Personality: Intelligent, Outgoing, Shy, Trusting
Interests: Dating, Friends
Occupations: Magic-user, Student
Height: Average
Weight: Slim
Bust: Average
Headgear: Hair Clip
Hair: Waist Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type III
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