Posted 11/14/2013
You can now post from the Gobi! To do so you'll have to link your account to twitter. At this time the only way to do so is to log out of your account and select connect to twitter. After that login to twitter and follow the site steps. I'll be making this process A LOT easier in the next update. After you have linked your account go into your privacy settings and enable posting to twitter which is disabled by default.

Update Notes:
  • Database updated with new user permissions design.
  • Privacy settings page updated with twitter setting for gobi.
  • You can now tweet from your gobi.
  • Users may post up to 5 tweets within 5 minutes or up to 1 tweet a minute.
The new permissions tables will be used for all future privacy settings and will offer greater flexibility. The permissions table will act as a prototype for the user roles and groups system which will be added in the future.

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