Posted 12/07/2013
If you are new to our group be sure to introduce yourself to us. No worries we are all space travelers here. Be sure to tell what planet you hail from and what your name is in game so we can identify you as one of us! This is an introduction forum so tell us your experiences in the "Starbound" universe so far. Oh and if you are not an explorer yet, as in you don't have the game, still be sure to tell us why you joined our ranks and what you expect of the game itself.


Posted 12/08/2013
Hello in game my name is "TheMadIceCreamMachine" and I am a Glitch. On my planet my people still held medieval beliefs but not me even as a small little guy, nothing more then a few hunks of metal, I thought of many new things. My parents said I needed to stop my crazy ideas but I could not hold my curious nature back. I became known as a town crazy in my teen years and was forced into the position of "Frosty Bot". I rather have been executed, a Frosty Bot's job is to go up in the mountains for months on end to get ice and later go back to town to give it to the town for whatever needs. The main point of this job is to keep supposed crazies away from the town.  

I later was called the "TheMadIceCreamMachine" when I tried to give kidbot a taste of my new invention. You see I got the ice I gathered and crushed it in with some cocoa beans I had. It was energy rich and delicious. But the town people didn't understand this they thought I tried to poison the kidbot! Yes I did get mad yes someone lost bolt or two but that is besides the point. 

So how did I get in space well it happened very quickly. On my normal trail to get ice I went along a different path, I like to spice things up, and I found this weird technology. After some exploration I found out we are artificial and just created as an experiment. I also found out news that gave me all the more motivation to leave. It appeared what I found was a "Spaceship" and it had some weird device called a "Matter Displacer". With years of resentment from my people and a goal to find out what was out there I learned how to work the machine. And I left never to return.

By... "TheMadIceCreamMachine"
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