Joined: 12/05/2013
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Hihihi...I know that this is stupid but.. I HOPE that my entries won't be erased or deleted just not by having icon images. T.T 
I tried..I really did...But I'm really such a Baka. :3
I HOPE someone out there could put some icon images to the Faceless entries of  mine. ^__^
I,THANK YOU. (wave)
hahaha xD
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    complex +1
    @iLoveaNime143 Well, we are pretty lovable people.
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    TheAwsome +1
    Yes the crop tool can be used to remove certain symbols on the top right corner of certain images. Not that I do this of course but it helps you get nice images.
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    Nyome +1
    The site has a built in tool to crop icon images for you. Just upload an image where the face takes up a good portion. You'll then be able to crop it out. :)
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    Eeeh! iLoveU,guys! ('^'). Icon images are the only problem on my submission. But once the page is visited,screenshots can be seen. Embarassing but cropping images makes me insane. ;3. But I'll do my best to learn how. ^o^
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    Nyome +1
    The general rule for characters is they won't be removed as long as we can determine which character it is and what anime they're from. Adding images is strongly encouraged because it helps identify the character. There used to be a big issue with users adding made up characters which is why there are so many warnings no on the submission page.
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    TheAwsome +1
    Yeah i fixed up the last one a bit. The missing icon is a simple enough fix. Just be sure to tell what Anime they are from as I can't identify them all based name. Well goodnight....ZzZzzzz
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