Joined: 8/07/2013
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While I was posting something on one of the forums I kind of thought of a little anime plot that would be very interesting!! ^-^
Well what I was thinking was that a rich girl wanted to be a butler but girls weren't aloud to be a butler, they have to be a maid (She wanted to be a butler because when she was younger she promised a boy something). So she cutted her hair short and got herself into a butler/maid school. There were seperate classes that were for boys and girls. The main rule at the school is that you should NOT fake your gender or else you will be disqualified as a butler/maid. She met two boys in the same class as her and somehow they both figured out she was a girl. The two boys kept her little secret but a little love triangle began. The teachers started to get suspicous. Are they able to keep her little secret from the entire school figuring out she is a girl?
Does it sound good! :D
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