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The oldest anime!
Well while doing some research I started to think about what was the oldest anime ever. Well while doing more research I found out that a anime called  Nakamura Katana was the oldest of them all. Nakamura Katana is over 90 years old! And another thing I found is that a anime called Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors was the very first full length anime film. A tons of people think Astro Boy was the very first anime because it was in black and white..Well thats false. Astro Boy was made in 1963. So I don't think Astro Boy can top a anime that is over 90 years old. It's pretty amazing how people can make these kind of animations. I am not sure if this was the very first anime but I will give it to you anyway. It's called Katsudou Shashin, people say it was made in 1907.
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  • icon
    Wow, that is old. On a side note, the longest anime running series is also pretty old but well before the 1990s, the boom of anime. I'm pretty sure though that the japanese art style that we know and love today was developed more in the 1990s and early 2000s. It is very interesting to know how far we have come art style wise.
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    It's also difficult to determine what constitutes as an anime. Katsudou Shashin is the oldest if you get the broadest definition of anime simply being any Japanese animation. However credit would have to go to Toei Animation for being one of the strongest influences in modern anime.
  • icon
    Well it depends on what can be defined under Anime right.
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    Yep! It's in our database. :D But who knows if they'll find something older.
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