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What would you do?
Since there is Otaku day then what would we do on that day? I have been questioning that to myself a tons of times and I still have no idea what I would do! The first thing I thought was should I let my two friends spend a night to my place and talk about our favorite animes together while eating sweets?
By the way a reminder! Otaku day is on Dec. 15th!!! Don't forget!!
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  • icon
    I never knew that! :D I think I would watch anime, read manga, and hang out with my otaku friends.
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    I don't think I will be doing anything else than I am now which is reading manga and watching anime. Although, I feel tempted to buy some chocolate bread and melon bread as an excuse for Otaku Day. :P
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    Hmmm I would watch some of an old favorite Anime of mine to revitalize memories.
Document the discovery of a new anime.