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Animation studios: Shaft, Gansis
Episodes: 26
Genre(s): Romance, Comedy, Magic
Synopsis: "Negi Springfield is a student from a magic school who is continuing his education/training as an English teacher in an all-girls school. While there, he has to keep his magic background a secret, which isn't easy when you get such a bunch of variable personalities to keep an eye out for." (taken from
Where to watch:  Youtube:Funimation

***This review contains spoilers, please read at your own risk***
The English voice actor Negi Springfield has the same voice actor,Greg Ayres, who vocied for Karou in Ouran Highschool Host Club and Kyoki in Beck. With that said, I really hate his voice. And I will totally murder this guy if I met him in real life because his voice really sucks for the characters he plays. Plus, I feel like I want to break my monitor every time I hear his voice. Okay my rant is over. Sorry about that guys. I just get a bit worked up on Greg Ayres.
Anyway, the rest of the English voice cast did fine. However, the Japanese sub version is a whole lot better. In fact, I will strongly suggest you watch this series in Japanese sub. Otherwise, you will go crazy and, start talking about how you got your scar and how much you want the philosopher stone to restore your body.
I can't really say what the best parts of the comedy in the anime were. I would say though, that there is very mild sexual themes evident in the anime. Also its hard for me to judge this anime's comedy when I really hate little kids, extremely hate them.  So, I am not keen at all for the middle school female children in the anime along with Negima as a main character.
Moving along, the plot wasn't that bad. It felt very interesting, especially the elements of magic. Furthermore, those elements of magic are the basis for most if not all of the comedic scenes in the anime. There were other elements of the anime such as the harem that they really try to push for. And I would like to say this is one of the few I seen that feel genuinely unique. I am saying that alot lately but this is a really good anime for a magic-based anime.
Like all old manga-based anime though, the manga was still ongoing at the time of the anime production. Therefore the ending to the anime was not really related to the manga entirely.  Plus, there are still many parts of the manga that could have been put into the anime such as the journey to the magical world. I forgot to mention though that the anime try to follow the original plot but then went on its own plot. Similar to the way full metal alchemist did when it caught up to the manga.

Well, it certainly feels unique I'll give Negima! that. However, I can't really say I enjoyed it since I hate kids. I just really hate them. Sorry if you are a kid and you are reading this review, I don't like you ( if you are under 15 years old because I can't swear to you).
With 31 girl characters, its really hard for this anime to make each female character feel unique for Negi's harem plan. Keep in mind that all the girl characters have your typical personality from every possible stereotype in the realm of anime. Although you will most be seeing Asuna and Nodoka try to hook up with Negima. The other female characters will try to win him over, in time.
By the way, it is not Negima's intention at all to have a girlfriend in the anime. In fact, the only thing he is looking for in the school is a magical partner. A magical partner is sort of like a knight or tank that the wizard try to use buffs and give powers to. Other than that, he simply wants to work as a teacher.
If you like harems and you want a male child main character then this is the anime for you. Also expect a lot of magical based comedy that involves middle school girls.
Animation: 3/5
Story: 4/5
Sound: 3/5
Characters: 4/5
Comedy: 4/5
Overall: 4/5

I'm sure you guys know by now to check out theawesome for his last review. This is also my last review as part of the rom com. Hope you enjoy it because  this is a great comedy anime.
Tags: anime, harem, love, negima, review
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