Asogi, Rin
Female - Est. Age 150 to
As woman infected with a Time Seed, Rin is an immortal. A woman that attracts both men and women. At the start of the series she is working in her own firm known as Asogi Consulting, along with Mimi, another immortal and a lover of Rin, and Genta, their immortal dog. Rin doesn't take herself seriously, except in dealing with Apos, or Laura. She has a good sense of humor, and often wave-offs Mimi's efforts to take her job seriously. She likes to drink, but would prefer it if Mimi brought her water when she asks for it, not Vodka.
Myers-Briggs Type: INTJ
Personality: Confident, Flexible, Intelligent, Relaxed
Interests: Drinking, Fighting, Friends, Sex, Travel, Weapons
Height: Tall
Bust: Large
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type IV
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