Bridget, Satellizer L.
Female - Age 17
Untouchable Queen - English
Satellizer Alongrutch - Japanese
サテライザー=エル=ブリジット - Japanese
Satellizer has a fearsome reputation and is extremely ruthless in a fight. When she is alone, she seems more quiet and reserved, with a softer side that allows her to collect stuffed animals and knit. Thanks to Kazuya's and Violet's help, she was able to shed her fear of being touched, and thus doesn't react extremely violent when touched.
Blood Type: A
Favorite Food: hamburgers and meat dishes
Personality: Abmitious, Aggressive, Assertive, Confident, Independent, Intelligent, Loyal, Moralistic, Private, Realistic
Interests: Sewing
Occupations: Military
Height: 168cm
Weight: 128kg
Bust: Large
Measurements: 90cm, 56cm, 85
Eyewear: Glasses
Fashions: Military Uniform
Hair: Mid Back Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type III
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  • Bridget, Satellizer L. - 4
  • Bridget, Satellizer L. - 0
  • Bridget, Satellizer L. - 1
  • Bridget, Satellizer L. - 2
  • Bridget, Satellizer L. - 3
  • Bridget, Satellizer L. - 4
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