Cross, Yuki
Female - Age 17
Kuran Yūki - Japanese
Kurosu Yūki - Japanese
玖蘭 優姫 - Japanese
黒主 優姫 - Japanese
Yuki Cross has no memory of her past prior to the moment she was saved from a vampire attack ten years ago. Her first memory is of a snowy day and a level E vampire appearing and attacking her and then another vampire named Kaname Kuran saved her. She was adopted by the headmaster of Cross Academy and she is now a first year student in the Day Class and also a member of the disciplinary committee. As a member of the disciplinary committee she works alongside with Zero to guard the Academy's secret. Yuki believes that vampires and humans can coexist peacefully. As she grew up, Yuki became fond of Kaname, but then Zero came along. After she started showing an interest in Zero instead of Kaname, Kaname got ticked off and made a deal with Headmaster Cross, Yuki's adopted father, to let him take care of her. In exchange, Kaname would Zero's life as miserable as possible.
Birth Date: Dec 25
Personality: Confident, Conservative, Experimental, Imaginative, Open, Outgoing, Serious, Trusting, Unintelligent, Worrisome
Interests: Food, Shopping, Weapons
Height: 165cm
Weight: Slim
Bust: Small
Hair: Shoulder Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type IV
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  • Cross, Yuki - 0
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