King Conrad
Male - Est. Age 30 to 59
King Conrad - English
King Conrad is the father of Snow White, the husband of late Queen Rosebud and the ruler of the Green Valley kingdom. He was a brave, noble man and a benevolent ruler who inspired great loyalty and respect to his subject. He was devastated when his wife died and for this reason he remarried again for the second time because he loves his daughter, Snow White, dearly and wanted to make the princess feel a mother's love again.
Personality: Confident, Independent, Loyal
Interests: Love, Swords
Occupations: Leader
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
Headgear: Crown
Neckwear: Shawl
Fashions: Royalty
Hair: Shoulder Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type IV
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