Nanao, Eriko
Female - Age 19
七尾 英理子 - Japanese
Erika is a 19 year old second cousin to Ryuji. She really likes her cousin and even though she has been studying in America for a while, she returns to Japan to see him and to also recover a Lost Precious that FANG took from her ten years ago. Although there is a huge risk of taking anything from FANG, she believes it is hers and won't back down because she also believes that it is a rank S Lost Precious that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt her abilities to recover Lost Preciouses to her peers.
Personality: Abmitious, Assertive, Confident, Impulsive, Indulgent, Open
Occupations: Treasure Hunter
Hair: Waist Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type IV
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  • Nanao, Eriko - 1
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