Alternate Titles
Crimson Pig - English
Kurenai no Buta - Japanese
紅の豚 - Japanese
Content: Pre-Teen
Crimson Pig, or as he's better known as Porco Rosso, is the alias of a high flying bounty hunter who also counters air pirates for a fee.
Porco used to be an ace air force pilot named Marco, but an unfortunate spell was casted on him which turned him into a half pig and half man. Porco is loved by two women: the beautiful socialite Gina, and the feisty mechanic Fio. Ultimately, Porco has to go up against the suave American pilot Curtiss for his honor, his pride, and his loved ones
Audiences: Shōjo, Shōnen
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Themes: Crime
Length: 93 min