Posted 7/30/2013
I saw it as part of a meme a long time ago. So I honestly have no idea who would be owner of the phrase. Then again you could always alter the idea. A squid, or change the phrase.
 Yeah instead he is saying I like "Fish" not little girls!

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 7/30/2013
Lol. Exactly. Or a sign along the lines of... "no home no job need help please give anime girl"

since the concept of tentacle porn is fairly outdated now. Then again that may fuel the fire ah hah hah.

Posted 7/30/2013
Lol. Exactly. Or a sign along the lines of... "no home no job need help please give anime girl"

since the concept of tentacle porn is fairly outdated now. Then again that may fuel the fire ah hah hah.
 Oh how do people attack Otakus today then so we can be modern in our attempts?

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 7/30/2013

Hmm. Let me think of all the things I get affiliated with.

Most people see me as, 'normal', until they find my collection of figurines, mangas, anime DVDs, Gundam models, and anime shirts that I wear under my lab coat... So... Lemme think.

Weebo. (Spelling!?)

So you can prolly draw this guy wearing a shirt that says, "OTAKUELITE", on it.

Remember? Batteries not included? Bahaha...

Nerd, geek, weirdo, pervert... Mostly I get the description that I like childrens stuff. Toys, comics, cartoons, games, etc. But I can usually just say they do the same thing, just using different content. "I like teenage girl figurines, you like- Wait, wrong one.

"I like Love Hina, you like Sex and the City. At least when I see Sarah Jessica Parker I only reference her with, 'Flight of the Navigator' as opposed to being a sexually depraved woman."

Wait, what? That's way too straight forward.

Mostly I guess we're just weird. We're kind of the modern day nerds. Marty McFly's father?

Could just draw Michael J Fox wearing a Crunchyroll jacket.

Posted 7/30/2013

Hmm. Let me think of all the things I get affiliated with.

Most people see me as, 'normal', until they find my collection of figurines, mangas, anime DVDs, Gundam models, and anime shirts that I wear under my lab coat... So... Lemme think.

Weebo. (Spelling!?)

So you can prolly draw this guy wearing a shirt that says, "OTAKUELITE", on it.

Remember? Batteries not included? Bahaha...

Nerd, geek, weirdo, pervert... Mostly I get the description that I like childrens stuff. Toys, comics, cartoons, games, etc. But I can usually just say they do the same thing, just using different content. "I like teenage girl figurines, you like- Wait, wrong one.

"I like Love Hina, you like Sex and the City. At least when I see Sarah Jessica Parker I only reference her with, 'Flight of the Navigator' as opposed to being a sexually depraved woman."

Wait, what? That's way too straight forward.

Mostly I guess we're just weird. We're kind of the modern day nerds. Marty McFly's father?

Could just draw Michael J Fox wearing a Crunchyroll jacket.

 Yes it could be said we are weird in society's eyes that is. We are new and growing into things like entertainment and food. We are a part of an under-rated sub-culture. Every group of people has something that makes them appear weird to other groups. I think other groups are weird like why do people take pictures of food saying I just had lunch who cares! In NeNe's case she is going to try and tease with them so it's okay. I'll get her back.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 7/30/2013
 Yes it could be said we are weird in society's eyes that is. We are new and growing into things like entertainment and food. We are a part of an under-rated sub-culture. Every group of people has something that makes them appear weird to other groups. I think other groups are weird like why do people take pictures of food saying I just had lunch who cares! In NeNe's case she is going to try and tease with them so it's okay. I'll get her back.

By... "TheAwsome"

Yes. Get her back.

But that's exactly it. Labeling someone is purely subjective. It's completely based on perception of the speaker. The mass majority of people may think we're weird, but they have tendencies that even the mass majority would find odd themselves. And I love that, of course.

I mean, everyone geeks out over something or another. I'm just very lucky that mine can be critiqued to such a fine detail, and shared amongst millions, and likely will have a never ending supply.

Though I think it is more openly accepted than it was in the past. All your points have hit the nail on the head. Resulting in that it will likely be a long time until American society lives entirely with those of us who are branded as 'Otaku'.

Likely also leading to a potential stalemate if not marginal increase in the quality of dubbing. Hopefully to one day match the subbing. I mean, we have fansubs. Why not nearly as many fandubs?

Should we put together a group ourselves and help accelerate the revolution?

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