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The Big Three???
So, I've been part of this for 17 hours. I already think this is amazing, I mean it's one of the best anime database sites out there and you can customize your layout. Mine's all red with a Hellsing background because Hellsing is amazing and my favorite anime ever, the best character for me has to be Victoria but I like Jun, despite the fact he was a total wierdo. 
The only problem is that I'm not keen on the big three (might not be the big three round your area/ country but they're massive round where I live), I don't like Naruto or Bleach and I'm not particularly keen on One Piece (Much to my friends despair). I think the first two evolve around two over powered characters and the third just wasn't to my taste, nothing wrong with it really. Seriously, Bleach got ditched by the forth episode and Naruto the third, I'm not hating but one got his powers off some demon person and I couldn't follow Naruto for the life of me.
Bleach, for me was quite a let down, it was buzzed about in my school (sorry, English terminology). Even the kids who don't watch anime had seen this and liked it, so I thought well it can't be that bad. I just didn't get it, so you had this ghost seeing kid who's life was changed by a soul reaper... that was fine, I figured that much out, so she gets injured and gives him her powers, I didn't get that. That's all I'm saying because of spoilers and stuff but it's beyond me, why would you give some ghost seeing child your powers, why did she need to? Why do women always get screwed over in popular animes? Well, not usually but for me, every popular one (I mean big three popular) I've watched has some whiny woman who's supposed to be all that but needs to be saved by a man. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to be the case. I'd love to see some kick ass woman who is young and not whiny be out there saving the world. I mean, Erin was pretty good but if I'm remembering correctly it was very loosely based around the manga which annoyed me.
Naruto, well I haven't really seen enough to comment but he seems a little over powered.
So anyway, thanks for reading.
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    Naruto died the episode they had the talking Ostrich. Bleach was about the time Ebel mentioned. I still watch Naruto which has a few decent eps but I have no tolerance for filler. Now, One Piece? I still love that series even after hundreds of episodes in. They take a lot of liberties stretching out content to avoid fillers but as a result it pays off. You just have to be willing to take a month off to catch up. :( Let's just hope Fairy Tail and AOT return fairly soon.
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    I myself have not seen enough of any of these Anime to give out judgement to them. I agree with Ebel if these Anime were not stretched out like taffy perhaps we could have gotten flavor more then every few bites, as not all people are there to chew and chew for sweet flavor when they expected it automatically. As I said before if they kept these Anime's length under control I would more or less consider them. For now they are to long to watch for my taste.
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    Yes, I agree with your sentiments to some extent. I enjoyed Bleach up until the arc of swords taking "human" form (episode 70?). Then I stop watching Naruto Shippuden around episode 30-40. One piece I quit watching after the deer was found. The number 1 reason I stop is because it takes too much to get from point a to point b in the story for most of these long running anime. If the filler was gone and the plot was interesting, I would still be watching these three anime.
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