Joined: 8/02/2013
Blog Posts: 4
Subscribers: 2
Comments: 10
Blog Views: 21
Starting Anime
For someone new to anime I would highly suggest one of this anime: 
These seem like the wider known and loved anime that are a bit older but are good beginnings to the "world of anime" ^-^
Naruto and Bleach were the 1st ones I knew in the beginning.
Finishing an Anime
I have finished two anime shows so far, Naruto and Death Note. When I finished them I felt the urge to watch them again once I was done, I missed watching them after I finish. So I would would re-watch them over and over. It feels great to re-watch these great anime and when I don't watch them I miss them and watch them again.
Does anyone else feel like this after watching an anime? 
New Anime
I found a few new anime while I was looking around, I love adventure/action anime shows. I found an anime called Dragon Crisis. I started watching it yesterday. I like it so far its cool.     ^-^
It seems like it isn't as popular as other anime shows, in some websites its unheard of!
i'm new
I am new to this site, I love it so far ^-^ so many anime shows O_o 
its so AWESOME :D
    Document the discovery of a new anime.