Misato, Katsuragi
Female - Est. Age 24 to 29
葛城 ミサト - Japanese
After Shinji’s arrival at Nerv Misato takes on the task of being his legal guardian. She is also Shinji’s superior and ranked as captain. Unlike her diligent work ethic Misato’s home life is completely disarray with an apartment covered in cluttered and beer. Misato is an expert when it comes to commanding the Evangelions and battle tactics often times being forced to make tough decisions. Despite her outgoing personality she struggles with her devastating childhood and empathizes with Shinji’s own struggles with his father on a personal level.
Personality: Confident, Group-oriented, Lively, Moralistic, Outgoing, Private, Relaxed, Sentimental, Venturesome, Worrisome
Interests: Drinking, Partying
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Bust: Average
Hair: Mid Back Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type III
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  • Misato, Katsuragi - 0
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