Posted 8/06/2013
He looks like Setsuna from Gundam 00.

Posted 8/06/2013

Yes I am very picky. But good lord, that's complete stereotypical fan service! Why is he cooking without a shirt?!
 because you know....he's going swimming after cooking meals and why the hell not?!?!
 Though the statement has no explanation nor has been scientifically proven....

"M-m-m-mam-mamma-mamma-mamma said-said that. Wait thirty minutes to swim after eating or-or-or you'll get cramps cause. Cause. That's why alligators be always sleeping all day cause they eat too much."
 Scientifically speaking the stomach would feel problems while digesting food if they enter water. But in his case he is an avid swimmer so his body is very much use to it allowing him to avoid the problem. And there are no alligators in the pool even if there were he would probably kick there tails.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/06/2013
Ah...this was the wrong thread to look at before going to the bank. Going to be day dreaming over wet Haruka while talking to the teller 

Posted 8/06/2013
 Though the statement has no explanation nor has been scientifically proven....

"M-m-m-mam-mamma-mamma-mamma said-said that. Wait thirty minutes to swim after eating or-or-or you'll get cramps cause. Cause. That's why alligators be always sleeping all day cause they eat too much."
 This really made me laugh out loud. 
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