Please write me a Love letter, I Love those.
Interests: afros, alternative manga, animals, Anime, Anyone who loves me, Art, blogging, cartoons, Comics, Drawing, Gekiga, Love, Martial Arts, men, nature, peace, Reading, Spirituality, Writing, yoga
Twitter is actually so, so boring. 90% of the time, guess whose tweets I'm reading? My own, lol.
I feel strange that I have to have some type of social media presence for a career. Like, aren't emails & phone calls social enough??
sitting in my cocoon baking fresh blog posts! ♥___♥
posting from the gobi! This is so kewl!
I could be a better artist.
New background/banner cominachya this weekend.
May not resume regular blog schedule until the Fall.
Must hop off the internet.........
...I'm so mad you guys ='''''( !!
So they ask for a set of my creative writing pieces PLUS some artwork just for them to look at, and these crooks decide not to hire me!?
Pffft! I'm not that much of a Cardcaptor Sakura fan.
I'm totally due for a blog post by now, but I'm just trying to plan out a few things.
Achievements make me happy! Wooo.
I'm a bit sad. I feel selfish. ='(
I went out, and I ate this greasy cheesy tortellini dish. When I was done, I remembered the brutal workout I went through this morning. =|
I don't like Twitter. There's always an issue with it!
I've been attempting to draw for three days now.

Hi James! I was very, very shy to come back and see this post. I'm glad that you responded and that you're okay. It seems I can't access my messages atthe moment, it says the page won't load. So, you can email me if you like. Idk your email anymore but mine is jmwanvua at gmail dot com. I'll delete the email in this cmnt in a few months so as to keep privacy.

Hi elites,
I see you. I’m glad we’re still here, like ghosts occupying a curious little town. My heart isn’t well tonight. I’m thinking about love and life and these thoughts steal my joy as they often do. But,
I didn’t come to lay out my misery. I came because I also thought about James and I don’t know how to reach him anymore. I’m not sure he wants anything to do with me anymore. The good thing about me is I’ve got nothing to lose, ever. So I’ll write to him
here in hopes he might see it some day. It’ll be like standing on a rooftop, professing at the top of my lungs: James, I’m sorry if I ever hurt you or pushed you away. It was a reflection of how uncomfortable I was with myself. I’ve always appreciated your
friendship. I think of you, but sometimes your memory is hard to bear. I hope you’ve gotten everything you wanted and that life has blessed you with surprises you never imagined you would have. If not, I wish it for you. I wish you the world, the sun and
the moon.
I finally made it to Florida in 2018 on a work trip. We went to Disney World. That place is ridiculously huge, it might as well be its own city. I met Cinderella, my favorite princess. When she hugged
me, I cried tears of joy in her arms. I told her I was 24 years old and embarrassed. I got to go to a Walmart outside of Disney one night. I love Florida and I would love to live there some day during winters. Or, another tropical place might suit my fancy.
Where I’m living right now, many of our Canadian seniors run away during winter to Florida.
I went far enough writing articles. I got a paying job last year at a local magazine (finally!). Granted, I had to pump out business advice at minimum wage, but it was great to get paid to write.
That being said, I’m also writing poetry. You could have read some of it on my instagram, which was recently deleted in a fit of rage. I regret that. But I finally got published last January, and I’m continuing to submit poems and short stories to publications.
My definition of Love remains the same: a state of mind, with different degrees and a feeling that comes in a variety of flavours. I will always love you.

Ok, I opened it! Guys, I opened the email. T'sall good.

Oh my goodness, it's almost midnight here, and I'm alone as per usual. I just sent a bunch of friendly messages to Ebel and Awsome on skype that grew worse in anxiety because they didn't respond. And I knew they wouldn't
because they are offline, but I'm just this anxious person who panics from the smallest things. Please answer me! I came here as a last resort because I know you all check still check up on this place every once in a blue moon. Obviously, I'm desperate tonight.
Give me a sign you are still out there, I still think of all y'all. Awsome, if you are still choosing to disassociate yourself from me, that's fine, just let me know you're ok, I won't bother you. I know you're busy with your gf and she's all you need now.
I'm just so worried right now, and I started having thoughts out of the blue. Well, it is friday night, you must all be doing something fun, or hanging out with your gfs/bfs. idk.
Hooo. Okay.
So I got a reply from a message I sent Nyome, but it isn't opening right now so... yeah. All good. :)

I remember when anime was the best thing to have happen to me. And it happened again, and again. But these days, there's just no spark.

Hi! Omg can't believe you're engaged, congrats!!!! Thank you for the update. Yes, I also hope that the website will get a second life. It was incredibly fun writing for this website. I enjoyed knowing, working, and making friends with all of you. xoxoxoxoxo

Suit their needs? Please, TheAwsome, anime is entertainment. How about some romcom?

Hey! This got some attention over at my
medium page, so I thought I'd post it here finally.
Write to you later,
♥ ♥ ♥
Hello kitty x Vans! My favourite
After years of being a major pop icon,
Hello Kitty finally got her own book! And she’s earned it: Hello Kitty’s 40th Anniversary book features a history of collaborations with famous brands, entertainers and artists around the world! Collaborators
include Tokidoki, Stussy, and DC Comics.This large format book is definitely
a collector’s item, but I’d recommend it for fashionistas too. With gorgeous spreads and short biographies of every company/artist, it’s almost like an indie fashion mag.
My favorite collaborations are Super, Native
Union, Vans, and MAC.
I specifically remember the latter two, because I desperately wanted my own pair of Hello Kitty sneakers, and a cute Hello Kitty makeup bag and lipstick to match.
In my honest opinion—and I am not a die hard Hello Kitty super fan—the book is okay. I’m not sure it includes every single collaboration, because Kimora Lee Simmons’ line of jewellery isn’t in the book. Sorry
to spoil it for you, but it’s the one thing I was expecting and was most excited to see. That being said, it’s passable, but if you must buy it, be my guest.

The way I noticed how things are arranged in this database is that everything has it own entry, given that the title is somewhat different. For example, if we were to take Attack on Titan, technically it ran for two seasons straight, and the third one
is coming. The third one, if it were to change, like if a subtitle was added to the title (Attack on Titan: Titans revealed) then that would get its own entry. However, if there was a AOT short OAV that came out, it would have to have its own entry, because
it isn't part of the series.
So, I think Silver Spoon 2 should have its own entry. And all Break Blade movies should have their own entries as well.

Hi! Yes it's a comedy anime as in every three to five minutes.the last episodes get more serious though.

Dear Anime God, can this 12-episode rule not be a thing anymore? Please? I watched two winter titles and they were so, so good… but then ended in the blink of an eye! Just make all seasonal titles 24 episodes.
It's perfect for short series. It gives enough time for them to develop and is vitamin C to character development. So many anime end before they should, and I wonder why; budget restraints, maybe?
One of the titles I watched was
World Conquest Zvezda Plot. The story starts out in the distant future with a man, seemingly in his middle-age, walking down a path that leads to a statue of a young woman. It’s a foreshadowing scene that gives us an indication of what
we’re about to witness. In brief, this anime revolves around a young high school boy named Asuta Jimon, and involvement with an organization called Zvezda— a team of people with anonymous identities whose sole purpose is to conquer the world. Zvezda’s got
a home base (that looks like a condensed water park) with the ability to transform into a regular-looking house for the sake of concealment. They target specific groups of people which make them a threat to their town.
But wait, it’s really not that serious. Did I mention Zvezda’s house is powered by an underground field of green onions? Their power-up transformations are also organically charged by that same field of green
onions. Oh, yes, and I forgot: their leader Kate Hoshimiya, is a little girl stuck in her prepubescent body forever.
The series rolls out in a format that makes it seem episodic, but it really isn’t. You have to watch it chronologically to get a clue of the values that Zvezda have, and the relationships between each member.
We get to learn about the past of the team members, and how they got involved in world conquest, but there isn’t much knowledge of Kate’s past and why she’s stuck being a little girl for the rest of her life. I think I enjoy the matter; there doesn’t need
to be a reason for everything in a case like this quirky anime. I also found myself liking the antagonists, White Light. They’re a bunch of interesting people themselves, and I noticed that one of them was designed aesthetically after Sailor Moon! There’s
a sweet twist in their relationship with Zvezda that kept me at the edge of my seat, excited to see it unravel.
I’d say this anime is a weird mix between magical girl, mecha, the typical shonen plot, and a pinch of sci-fi. It’s also got a lot of comedy. Actually, it’s like a comedy with a serious tone to it, if you can
imagine. I’ve never really experienced an anime so odd, and so I really like it. The reason why it should have expanded to 24 episodes is because you might get a little too comfortable in your seat watching it. So before realizing, you’re on the 9th episode,
about to end the series soon, when you thought it just started! At least that’s what happened to me.
Needless to say, the end was rushed. Things unraveled a little too fast, and the foreshadowing of the first episode—the very first minute of the entire show—didn’t even correlate with the ending; we, the viewers, were never brought back to the future.
But this poor ending still doesn’t change how I feel about the anime as a whole. World Conquest Zvezda Plot because will make you laugh, keep you guessing, serve you the unexpected, and give you the “feels”.
So how was your winter anime, guys? Did you enjoy Space Dandy on your American TVs?

Hi Elites!
Okay, so Sailor Moon has been since moved to July and to be streamed on NicoNico.
I'm not checking the previous posts so I don't know if this has already been mentioned. Hopefully they won't end up postponing this another year...again.
Viz Media just got authorized to license Sailor Moon! This is a big deal because nobody's been able to license this anime for years. As a result, the anime will be re-dubbed and subbed legally, and will also
be distributed on DVD & Blu-Ray! Also, SM will be streaming on Hulu starting
May 19th (That's today!) with no said scheduled time, according to the tweets & retweets on my twitter dash. A SM news source I'm following is saying that a particular plug-in called Hola, which will be provided
below, will allow users outside the U.S. to watch Hulu. Also, if you would like any details about the release of the entire,uncut and uncensored 200 episode series (unlike the previous incomplete, chopped & screwed American version), read the interview with
Viz at ANN(link provided below).
Sailor Moon on Hulu!
Viz & ANN (extensive) interview!
Good morning and have a wonderful day!

Hi Elites!
Okay, so Sailor Moon has been since moved to July and to be streamed on NicoNico.
I'm not checking the previous posts so I don't know if this has already been mentioned. Hopefully they won't end up postponing this another year...again.
Viz Media just got authorized to license Sailor Moon! This is a big deal because nobody's been able to license this anime for years. As a result, the anime will be re-dubbed and subbed legally, and will also
be distributed on DVD & Blu-Ray! Also, SM will be streaming on Hulu starting
May 19th (That's today!) with no said scheduled time, according to the tweets & retweets on my twitter dash. A SM news source I'm following is saying that a particular plug-in called Hola, which will be provided
below, will allow users outside the U.S. to watch Hulu. Also, if you would like any details about the release of the entire,uncut and uncensored 200 episode series (unlike the previous incomplete, chopped & screwed American version), read the interview with
Viz at ANN(link provided below).
Sailor Moon on Hulu!
Viz & ANN (extensive) interview!
Good morning and have a wonderful day!

Okie thanks!

Help me quick!
I am writing a cover letter to apply for a writing job. If my blog is currently on hiatus, do I say "I used to manage/run my own blog/a blog..." Or do I say "I currently manage/run my own/a blog..."? And which is better: manage or run? My own or a?


I wish for a job that will pay me higher than minimum wage!

Can the synopsis for Day Break illusion be edited? I also think it needs more than just what it says.

What! No Kero eraser!!?? Outrage.

I LOVE your new review layout, Awsome-kun! It's so attractive.
Don't forget to triple check for spelling errors, think about adding commas in the right places, and always, always give at least one reason to your statements to make your thoughts clearer.
Great job on all of these reviews, and congrats on your partnership with Ebel. The 14th better be something good!

Uhm....May I ask what's the exact size for the profile banner? x(
Okay it needs to be 962 pixels wide and between 100-175 pixels high. No more no less make sure it is exact!
By... "TheAwsome"
I do think it can be less.