Konnichiwa minna-san! Genki desu ka? Hajimemashite...atashi wa NeNe desu~
I'm just a tiny worker bee in the hive that is Otaku Elite. I'll be flitting in and out, helping out where I can and adding as much as possible to your experience here. Let's work together ok? Yakusoku de!
Douzo yoroshiku!
Interests: cooking, Music, Om nom nom!, Reading, science, Technology, Video Games
I'm still alive I swear! Just suuuuper busy.
Sorry for recent and future absences. I won't have as much time now since school will be starting and I will be teaching but I'll be around!
I had a blast with everyone during the event, hope to see you all for the drawing!
ARTaku is here!!! Let's see what you guys come up with ^-^
I'm getting so excited to see everyone's submissions for ARTaku! ^^
Between work, my line-up of TV shows, anime series, and video games, I hardly have time to blink!
Holy coat tails Batman! It's July 1st?! Where has the time gone?! I can't allow myself to fall behind! ARTaku's coming!
I have a veeery busy weekend ahead of me so you guys must excuse me if I'm a little less active :3
Details about the summer event will be released tonight! I'm so excited! :D

I've finally gotten a little extra time to pick up another anime! Yay!
Currently watching Hanasaku Iroha...enjoying it more than I thought I would

When I'm not running around like a chicken without a head? I'm playing Terraria and Red Dead Redemption

Omg...DOS...that's a term I haven't heard in yeeaarrrssss

Now buy a good gaming headset.
You can consider it my bday gift whenever that rolls around.
Jerk >>
I told you I got a silent fan! Problem solved XD
We'll see if it's any better. >___>
Have faith young grasshopper :P

Oh also...totally hooked on LA Noire as well. That is all >>;

Oh man. Tokyo Jungle is super addicting! I was hardcore into watching trailers when I was crashing at my friends place a while back. That's all I did when staying on his couch!
Also, I now have a PS3 again thanks to my wonderful girlfriend. If anyone wants to, my PS3 name is... C-annon
Lol I have yet to mention a game that you have not played.
I just got a PS3 and my boyfriend is psyched lol. I'll add you later when I'm not lazy if I remember XD (that statement felt like a non-liability clause in a contract or somethin)

I'm getting a PS3 in a few days! My friend is selling it to me lol. I'm not sure if I'll even have time to play it for a while but I couldn't pass up the deal.
Plus I just found out about the existence of Tokyo Jungle and I'm hooked on watching gameplay on YT haha. Must play that game!
oooh, that sounds like an interesting game. I haven't heard of it until you mention it. Anyway, I would post my psn name but I don't think the forums are private that and I like not everyone knowing on the web about it.
It's really fun. And apparently brings out the more animalistic side of gamers lmao
After a couple hours of play I think gamers start thinking like predators haha
No worries, the need for privacy is something we can all understand ^^

Now buy a good gaming headset.
You can consider it my bday gift whenever that rolls around.
Jerk >>
I told you I got a silent fan! Problem solved XD

So have you decided on Candy Shuriken then?

I like Candy Shuriken and Ramen Takeaway though I lean more towards Ramen Takeaway cuz it's a play on words and I love stuff like that haha.
I agree with Awsome that Ramen Monday limits your blog to one day which could be misleading.

Uh... every word I think of is very kiddy. lol Sparkle, shimmer, shinny... Why is every word I think is fun is starting with a S?
You could even try something as simple as Ramen Bowl.
Some ramen related words:
Surumi (fish paste used to make naruto)
Narutomaki (Naruto/type of surumi)
Which the spiral patties are designed based on the whirlpools in the city of Naruto.
News related words:
Was thinking of trying to come up with a name with the world Herald but wasn't successful.
Oooh, interesting. But herald sounds way too... mature, if you know what I mean. Like, "New York Times" or "Toronto Star".
I found more news related words: takeaway, and data.
The Something Takeaway
I'm so tired of thinking.
Times like this I wonder why I'm such a picky person....
Lol I'm picky too so I feel your pain.
Ooooh Ramen Takeaway would be cool too...bit of a play on words
Edit: Even better...Weekly Ramen Takeaway

Thank you!

How about:
Ramen, Shuriken, & the Complex Project <--My personal fav lolData Overload Jutsu (or Shuriken Data Overload)Complex Statement Jutsu (statement since it's a blog where you state facts/opinions, and jutsu as the naruto reference)Complex State JutsuWeekly Complex StateComplex State

I'm getting a PS3 in a few days! My friend is selling it to me lol. I'm not sure if I'll even have time to play it for a while but I couldn't pass up the deal.
Plus I just found out about the existence of Tokyo Jungle and I'm hooked on watching gameplay on YT haha. Must play that game!

I wish summer vacation wouldn't end so I can sit around reading conversations like the one above all day
On another note...first day was today guys! The students don't actually come in until Monday so I won't start actually teaching until then but I got to meet staff members today so it still counts ^^
I wish for a great semester!

This is pure evil....

I actually enjoyed Akikan though the concept was a little weird to me at first haha. Once you get used to the idea of cans turning into girls it's a fun watch ^^

I would LOVE for you to draw me something Awsome!! Pretty please! Maybe you could draw a new avatar for me ^^
Thank you complex!
Haha you loved it Nyo and you know it! I have to make sure those vids of me and monk dancing don't reach the internet >>;

I had a suuuuper amazing birthday cuz my wonderful boyfriend decided to surprise me with all my friends AAANNNDDD WestNyorai drove three hours to see me!! Ahhh I feel so loved!
I spent the evening singing karaoke with friends and laughing the entire time lol.
Icing on the cake? DamDirtyApe had a surprise waiting for me when I got a home! A gifted access to the game Starbound that I'm excited to play!
I have great friends! <3

Oddly I don't know many Japanese drinks haha.
I have had sake before as well as sake bombs, but I don't really like bitter types of alcohol so I'm not a super super fine of either. There is one type of sake I found that is sweeter than the rest but I still prefer more fruity flavors with my alcohol lol.
As for non alcoholic...ramune is really good! Can be interesting to open as well haha.

I'd consider your current job customer service lol. Sadly I can't tease you about pricking innocent little old ladies anymore.
I agree...only time customer service is fun is when you can joke about some of the ridiculous ppl after they've left with your coworkers haha.
At least working at McD's let me practice my Spanish!
And geeze don't remind me of that clown *shudders*
So creepy...I'm glad our store never had any events for the kids with that stupid clown...the most we ever did was face painting lol