Posted 4/21/2013
I know every one on the site is an Otaku but what I'm asking is not how but what it means to be an Otaku for you! Is it a means to an end, a learning tool, a process of fulfillment. There are of course many things it could mean to anyone and everyday that idea of what it means to an Otaku can change but I'm am here to ask you all what it means for you right now!

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 4/22/2013
I watch anime for enjoyment, and as a hobby. It just so happens that I am otaku. The reason being that we need labels to identify ourselves and to name our common interests with groups of people. But, otaku in Japan is actually not a positive term that is used to describe someone who his majorly obsessed with something. But like, why does someone's obsession have to be a bad thing, you know? I don't get that.

Posted 4/22/2013
That is true I forget that Otaku holds a negative meaning in some place. Perhaps Anime or Manga enjoyers? Oh and everyone carries their own obsessions and I'm happy to say being an Otaku is a healthy one. I learned a lot from being an Otaku, it helped me mature as a person.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 4/23/2013
Even though otaku has a negative view in Japan, I would still use it to describe the site even if it was located in Japanese. After all where would be we be if we didn't have a few obsessed otaku's in the world? As for the site's name, it's a great term since it perfectly describes an interest in anime, manga, and video games. All areas in which I hope to eventually expand the site into.

Posted 4/23/2013
Yeeeaaaah. Otakus uniiiite. Here.
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