Gaara’s tattoo
Ever wonder what Gaara’s tattoo means? Despite his attitude growing up, the tattoo on his forehead reads “Love”. Although he hasn't always embodied this state of mind, as a toddler Gaara was
a very kind & lovable boy; it was hard for him to keep these qualities due to forthcoming experiences. Finally having mastered the hatred in his heart, Gaara has tons of love to give: he’s a respectable leader who’s paid his dues. Sort of a strange birthmark
though, isn’t it? And so is this next one.

Gaara’s eyes
The question everybody’s always wondered: does Gaara wear eyeliner? Some say no, that they’re just bags due to his lack of sleep caused by the Shukaku back in part one of Naruto—if
he were to sleep, he’d somehow get possessed by the one tail. Even though he had clearly stated that he didn't sleep for this reason, the notion of his bags makes no sense to me because bags only appear
under the eyes. He also doesn't have Shukaku in him anymore, so it would make no sense to still have these marks. In truth, Kishimoto designed Gaara to look similar to the
Tanuki, the Japanese raccoon dog, which would also explain
why he carries a gourd. The one tails also has dark rings around his eyes that travel down his face, so it could be because he was born with the shukaku inside him that he has those features. I also have my own personal take on this matter: in Ancient Egypt,
kohl was worn around the eyes as a means to prevent sand from entering them. Being that Gaara is of the Sand village, wouldn't it make sense for him to have those dark circles around his eyes? Is it a coincidence? Probably not.

Kurenai’s eyes
I’ve mentioned before that Kurenai’s eyes seem like they may be a kekkei genkai of some sort. It’s obvious at this point she’ll never get any form of character development, or even a backstory
on her. All we know is that her father had the same eyes. So, does Kurenai have doujutsu? The answer is no. They’re simply red eyes. She’s a bore, isn't she?

Seven Ninja Swordsmen’s teeth
It becomes clear to us over time, as we encounter all the ninja swordsmen of the mist, that they all have one thing in common, aside from their destinies as swordsmen of the mist: they all have shark
teeth. So, what’s the big idea? Is it a sign that from birth they were meant to wield one of the seven legendary swords of their village? Maybe, but most likely not, especially considering Kakashi took his good pal Zabuza’s sword as a token of war (look
at him handling that toy like it’s nothing ♥_♥) Their shark teeth are a stylistic choice from Kishi that only add edge to their reputation as assassins, and demon-like personas!

Naruto’s whiskers
Naruto was born with three stripes on each cheek that resemble whiskers. I guess we could say that these are actual whiskers in a sense, but they’re more like birthmarks. Just like Gaara, these are
markings made by his tailed beast, the Kyuubi, who happens to be a fox. Naruto’s tattoos actually grow in thickness and length the more he transforms into kyuubi form.
Is there anything about the characters or environments in Naruto that's gotten you puzzled? Like, aside from Kakashi’s mask?