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ARTaku and More Summer Fun!
Konnichiwa minna-san!
I take it everyone's seen the full details for ARTaku in the Site Updates section of the site by now. If not, move your lazy cursor over this link and click! It's for your own good!
And did you guys see the details for the main event?! Be still my beating heart! Ahhhh so exciting!!
If you've seen ~Webmaster's post you know by now that the only slight hiccup in our plans is that we can't think of a really cool, funky-unique name for our summer giveaway...cuz we're lame...and honestly ARTaku tapped all of our creative genius. :c
But that's what we have you guys for right? This site was built on the idea of furthering user interaction and that's exactly what we need you guys to do right now! So head over to this thread and post some ideas about what our event should be titled!
What? You need more incentive? it is! The user who comes up with the best title will not only have the honor of saying they named our event, but they'll also be awarded the very first raffle ticket for the event courtesy of yours truly! (The raffle ticket will of course be rewarded to the chosen user at the start of the event.)
That's our event, get a raffle ticket. Ohhhh yeeaaa. 
It'd be great if the title you came up with could include the word "giveaway" and/or "summer" but we're not too picky. Just come up with something that sounds fun and interesting (Of course I don't need to tell you guys that it has to be appropriate for users of all ages etc. etc.) and if we like it we'll slap it on this grand daddy of an event. Sound good?
Great! See you in the Forums! 
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