Which name do you like best?!
Summer Explosion Giveaway!
Elite Summer Giveaway
Summer Fun Giveaway
OtakuElite Summer Giveaway

Posted 6/25/2013
For now the main event is being called the OtakuElite Summer Giveaway. However, I'm still open to better names. Be sure to post your ideas below!

Posted 6/25/2013
Hmm how about...

- Lazy Summer Give Away
- The Elite Gifting
- Tickets for Elite Prizes
- Time of the Elites

I am trying to think of things that play a pun with the name.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 6/25/2013
They're alright, but keep thinking. 

Posted 6/25/2013
I myself am very bad at naming things (check my profile banner, lol) but I know for sure that whatever it is, it has to have Giveaway in it. I for one know that whenever I see this word on a site, it's the first word I read because it somehow catches my eye, then I get very excited and I read the entire title to see what kind of giveaway it is. It never really matters at what point I'm interested in what's being given away, I read the rules much more often than not. 

To be honest, I like the current title. You can take away "OtakuElite" and just have it as "Summer Giveaway".

Summer Launch Giveaway? Grand Summer Giveaway? Break the Ice Giveaway or something along those lines?

I hope this helps.

Posted 6/25/2013
I'll agree. It has to have the word "giveaway" because of how much power it has for advertising.

Posted 6/25/2013
I never looked at it in that perspective. That's a great idea!

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 6/25/2013
-Summer Explosion Giveaway!

-The Elite Giveaway

- Heated Giveaway

That's all I got for now.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 6/26/2013
Keep thinking for now. I want to have the ad ready to go by Saturday.

Posted 6/26/2013
Super Summer Giveaway
Summer Splash Giveaway
OtakuElite Super Summer Splash Giveaway
OtakuElite Summer Fun in the Sun Giveaway


Posted 6/27/2013
I'll give it a go.

-Otaku Ani-Mate Summer Giveaway
-Otaku Summer Giveaway
-Elite Summer Giveaway
-Anime in the Sun Giveaway
-Poolside Anime Giveaway
-Go Back Inside and Watch Anime Summer Giveaway

Posted 6/27/2013
"Summer Fun Giveaway".

Posted 6/27/2013
-Summer Time Giveaway
-Get Up it's a Giveaway

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 6/27/2013
OtakuElite's Crunchyroll Access Pass Giveaway.

Posted 6/27/2013
So far I'm liking,
  • Elite Summer Giveaway
  • Summer Fun Giveaway
  • Summer Explosion Giveaway!
Maybe I'll post a poll tomorrow with the best ones so far and make a decision this Sunday.

Posted 6/27/2013
Summer Explosion Giveaway ftw!

Posted 6/28/2013
So far I like:

*Otaku Ani-Mate Summer Giveaway (cuz we are definitely trying to get you guys to be more animated haha!)

*Get Up It's a Giveaway!

*Elite Summer Giveaway (which I myself was going to suggest lol...great minds think alike! 

Posted 7/01/2013
Went ahead and created the poll based on the ones I liked the most. Be sure to vote for your favorite! If you still have a great idea I may still use it. But these seem like the best.

Posted 7/01/2013
I see who will win no one knows but all we can do is wait no?

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 7/05/2013
Based on feedback and results I'm most likely choosing Summer Explosion Giveaway! However until I hear back about the prizes it's still up for a vote! 

Expect a newsletter sometime around the 20th of this month. ARTaku's newsletter will be next weekend. That way it'll give people enough time to get their entries ready and as well prepare people for the main event which I'll be teasing in the newsletter.

Posted 7/05/2013
Summer Explosion!!! 

Posted 7/05/2013
My first post (I think) when I get active after almost a whole year since I created my account...

Just kidding, I like the name too.
Permanently remove poll and all votes forever.
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