Posted 3/24/2013
So I thought of two things

-One an artwork gallery wear people can post there own art.

- A system where we can tell we got a message like when we are in the website we can see are account in the top right so if we get a message maybe there can be a symbol that can pop up next to it.
 There is a forum board for fanart. And we are capable of private messaging each other already. =]

Posted 3/24/2013
The icon for PMs is coming soon! Any day now. :)

Posted 3/24/2013
Although it would be great if we could leave comments on each other's profiles, and have the same text box as the one on the forums, so we could customize our "About Me" more.

Posted 3/25/2013
I'm working on a blog system but I'll also look into user comments. It's a feature I've been wanting to add.

I doubt I'll allow the same editor for comments, but blogs will have the same editor. The about me description could also include the editor but I'm still debating on it.

Posted 3/25/2013
I'm working on a blog system but I'll also look into user comments. It's a feature I've been wanting to add.

I doubt I'll allow the same editor for comments, but blogs will have the same editor. The about me description could also include the editor but I'm still debating on it.
 Oh, yeah, about the blog. How is everything going with that, will it be up soon? I actually sent you an e-mail regarding that earlier today, just as a follow-up. It's been a few weeks since we e-mailed each other, so I wasn't sure if you were still interested in having it anymore.

Posted 3/25/2013
The blog is still being worked on and hopefully should be done very late tonight or tomorrow. Once it's up you'll be able to post and edit blogs. Right after it's released the comment system will be done the day after and the home page after that.

For now blogs will give you 3 options, with one being only accessible to those given access. The three options will be, "Public, Private, and Featured." Featured blogs will show up on the home page once the update is completed. In the future a friend's only option will also be added when the friend system is completed.

I'm likely going to give the blog creator to right to remove comments as well. If there are any other features you want, let me know!

Posted 3/25/2013
Perhaps if this is not already possible we can add things to the character editing for example if the character is interested in cosplay or occult we can it to the interest section of character creation..  

Posted 4/05/2013
So I will get straight to the point this site will become more known as it develops so the forums in the main screen will be filled with "Welcome" posts making it difficult to see what other forums have been updated. Perhaps we can make so that for each person who joins there will be a mark next to there name in the new user section of the main screen so we can see if they posted in "Welcome" rather than have it fill up the forums. 
Anyways this should prevent future situations that will come as the site develops.

Posted 4/06/2013
At first I was alright with the Welcome posts because we weren't getting enough traffic, but I'm probably going to be changing it to show updated threads instead. I'm also debating on changing to forum home page to show the three most active threads instead of just 1 big preview post.

Perhaps I'll take a quick detour this weekend to switch it around after the customization page is completed.

Posted 4/07/2013
So I know before I mentioned a into video but you guys said it was a flop so here's a new idea. When new users first sign in they get offered a tutorial to show how to navigate the site sort of like pointing arrows at certain things to explain there function.
Even if they don't want the tutorial on how to navigate we can make it possible to go back to when it's needed.
I know when I first came to the site I was not accustomed to how to navigate so I got confused.
Some people may lose interest if they don't know all the functions of the site.

At first I knew little of the site so I brought up dumb questions.

Like "Can I post Anime here?".
By doing this people will get quickly affiliated with the site.

Posted 4/08/2013
Oh no it wasn't a flop at all! In fact you read our minds! WestNyorai and I are currently working on something for new users to become better acquainted with the site. 

I agree with you, learning how to navigate a new site can be challenging and a bit of a turn-off if it gets too confusing. But not to worry! We understand and will surely address the problem. 

Posted 4/10/2013
I want to be able to see other users' blogs.
  Hopefully there will be a link to it in our profiles soon? That's at least what I'm anticipating.
It would be great if the text box were a different page.

Posted 4/10/2013
Similar to Complex I would like to see what user did what entree in there profile!

Posted 4/11/2013
Just wanted to shoot this out there but like Complex said I would love to see others Blogs if it's possible!

Posted 4/12/2013
I can see about a different page for posting into blogs. Was keeping it the same since only you can see it. It's a pretty quick fix to move it if you feel it's better on a separate page.

And yes! Links to your blog will be in an update like.... any moment now. 
 Probably the next update. Was going to be last night, but I got busy backing up the site and reworking my developer machine to reflect the current site. Also played with the anime pages trying to rework the formatting to match the anime character pages so I can redo the characters and review pages soon. As well as put some sort of indication of the number of characters and reviews listed. Have a few ideas I'm toying with.
Blog search is also being pushed forward and I really want it out by next weekend or at the very latest the week after.

Edit: Think I'll make it so you have to click "Post" at the bottom right of the page before it'll show the editor. Since it would require rewriting the code for the edit feature otherwise.

Posted 4/12/2013
Well the reasoning for asking for this is so everyone can express there Blogs to people even if they are not featured. This will also create site variety and allow users to bounce around ideas! Oh and great idea about users controlling whether or not people can see their post if they want to!
  This will allow us to do rather long blog posts and keep them private until finished.

Posted 4/12/2013
Well the reasoning for asking for this is so everyone can express there Blogs to people even if they are not featured. This will also create site variety and allow users to bounce around ideas! Oh and great idea about users controlling whether or not people can see their post if they want to!
  This will allow us to do rather long blog posts and keep them private until finished.
 Yes, I just have an issue with the private feature since it shows the publish date as the date you first created it. Probably will add a field in the database for "Public Date" so if doesn't show up as a few days old after you make it public.

Posted 4/13/2013
-forum notifications when your post is quoted, or thread has responses.
-newsletter? weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, irregularly, doesn't matter. People are signing up every day though, and I feel as though they forget to come back!
  This is a good way to get members coming back. And well, how frequently they are sent out does matter because from my experience weekly & every day newsletters are annoying, and spam.

Just some ideas. Just throwing them out there.

Posted 4/13/2013
You know what we need a new strategics to attract are users to become more proactive in the site because I have noticed people come say hi in "Welcome" and they either jump into Oblivion or come back to update their lists! I need to think up after I recharge and by recharge I mean sleep.
Anyways I think we should worry about this later you know when the site is functioning with minimal bugs NO blame to ~Webmaster as the script is hard to fix and harder it is to find Bugs!

Post by... "TheAwsome"

Posted 4/13/2013
I've been debating on newsletters for a long time. The only reason I haven't implemented it so far is due to the bulk size of the messages. Not sure how well the ISP will handle mass emails. Notification of quoting is something I have planned along with many other notifications. However, I'm holding off on these features until the privacy settings page is completed so I can offer an "unsubscribe" option to the emails and in-site notifications.

I'm still studying the best way to handle mass emails for the site. Once I have studied up more on the subject I'll have an idea of what the server can handle and what I can get away with.
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