Joined: 6/17/2013
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    Why? First,you put a lot of effort to it and you gave your best shot. And second,you enjoyed making it. :). But also,not everyone is that talented to make their costume so,they buy online. Anyhow,costumes is only one of the major matters on cosplaying. It's your enjoyment and confidence that matters. ^__^
    12/21/2013 Making your own costumes
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    (Do you know that this is my second chance typing here?! After the long words I have typed,I accidentally touch the 'x' button and there! Exit. :3) Anyway.. ^^ There's not much people cosplaying in our town. Actually,I think there's only 15% cosplayers in our country. Even I'm an Otaku,I have never experienced cosplaying before. I knew from the start it doesn't suits me. :). know for me, hand-made anime costumes are the once much more praised by the judges.
    12/21/2013 Making your own costumes
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    Alright I learned something new. Pay attention to what material the character wears and use that. But make sure the costume makes sense logically. For example a steampunk usually includes a lot of gears and gizmos. Make sure every thing has a purpose like that random gear make sure it is attached to something making it appear necessary. Also think about the character if they are always fighting make the costume look battle worn by running in dirt and adding in some cuts.
    7/14/2013 Making your own costumes
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    if you make that outfit please, post an image here so we can appreciated ^^
    7/14/2013 Making your own costumes
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    That second sentence made me what. I get where your coming from. Out here people don't really cosplay. Too shy or something. I can tell you that buying an outfit made online is definitely not worth it. Not sure how good you are with clothing, maybe ask someone for help with it so you don't have to spend $100+ dollars on a shirt and pants that someone put together in less than 30 minutes. I wouldn't even buy one of those for Halloween. Who are you dressing up as btw?
    6/18/2013 Making your own costumes
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    If I were a judge I would give bonus points to someone who hand-made their costume over someone who just purchased it. It would always impress me more to see someone make a really interesting costume! But like complex said, it would still have to be of good quality! ^^
    6/17/2013 Making your own costumes
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    Your costume could be made from scratch and not look too good. What matters is the amount of time you put in it. Make sure your cloth and other materials are good quality, and that you take your time and put a lot of care into it. Good luck =)
    6/17/2013 Making your own costumes
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    I know how you feel about not having much people to talk to. Anyways I suggest you continue making custom clothes it gives you a way of inserting your own personality in it.
    6/16/2013 Making your own costumes
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    It depends. If they find out you bought your costume you will probably loose the contest. They also often ask about how you made parts of your outfit. Your hard work is a great crowd pleaser. :) Be sure to visit the forums!
    6/16/2013 Making your own costumes
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Making your own costumes 12/21/2013 10:24:30 AM
Making your own costumes 7/14/2013 3:59:14 AM
Making your own costumes 6/18/2013 4:41:29 AM
Making your own costumes 6/17/2013 4:51:54 PM
Making your own costumes 6/17/2013 12:16:52 AM
Making your own costumes 6/16/2013 11:23:21 PM
Making your own costumes 6/16/2013 10:43:08 PM
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