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I'm a little shy. I am honest most of the time but I only lie when its needed. I like defending myself and defending others. I hate having my hair up, but people perfer having my hair up because they think its "cute". I like to wear hats. I like Martial Arts.

Interests: Drawing, Martial Arts, Singing, Writing
It's kind of hard to find good anime now but I can wait. I am kind of picky on my animes so its very hard for me. :P
<333333333 ANIME O_O
I love Taekwondo and I can't get enough. I'm 13 years old. Brown hair, Green/Blue eyes. Smile cause it comforts me. ^-^
Comment to Finishing an Anime
10fantageG I would probably do the same thing Ebel would do. I would rewatch the anime if its more than a year or so. If I really love the anime then I might watch it if it could still please me. I am not that kind of person to re-watch the same thing over if I already know what is going to happen.
Created blog entry A awesome anime I found!
10fantageG The anime I found is called Hikaru no Go! The anime is very interesting and everytime you watch each episode you get even deeper into it! The anime is about a game called Go. This game is a tougher version of TicTac Toe. The game uses two different colored stones Black and white. I researched that the object of the game is to use one's stones to surround a larger total area of the board than the opponent. Once placed on the board, stones may not be moved, but stones are removed from the board if captured; this is done by surrounding an opposing stone or group of stones by occupying all orthogonally-adjacent points. Players continue in this fashion until neither player wishes to make another move; the game has no set ending conditions. When a game concludes, the controlled points (territory) are counted along with captured stones to determine who has more points. Games may also be won by resignation. Another thing I found is that when a group of stones is mostly surrounded and has no options to connect with friendly stones elsewhere, the status of the group is either alive, dead or unsettled.  I want you guys to watch the anime! You might get really interested into it! By the way Go is a extremely old game that was made by China more than 2,500 years ago!
Created blog entry What would you do?
10fantageG Since there is Otaku day then what would we do on that day? I have been questioning that to myself a tons of times and I still have no idea what I would do! The first thing I thought was should I let my two friends spend a night to my place and talk about our favorite animes together while eating sweets?   By the way a reminder! Otaku day is on Dec. 15th!!! Don't forget!!    
Created blog entry The oldest anime!
10fantageG Well while doing some research I started to think about what was the oldest anime ever. Well while doing more research I found out that a anime called  Nakamura Katana was the oldest of them all. Nakamura Katana is over 90 years old! And another thing I found is that a anime called Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors was the very first full length anime film. A tons of people think Astro Boy was the very first anime because it was in black and white..Well thats false. Astro Boy was made in 1963. So I don't think Astro Boy can top a anime that is over 90 years old. It's pretty amazing how people can make these kind of animations. I am not sure if this was the very first anime but I will give it to you anyway. It's called Katsudou Shashin, people say it was made in 1907.    
Comment to "News Update" "Getting Slow"
10fantageG Awww >.<
Created blog entry Akikan!
10fantageG I am about to watch a anime show called Akikan. It looks very interesting since a soda magically transforms into a girl. I already watched the first episode and it seems like the main character acted like a real pervert when he first met the Akikan. When I was watching it on hulu my big sister was like what the heck are you watching? It cracked me up! XD
Comment to Pokemon
10fantageG Yep! ^-^
Created blog entry Pokemon
10fantageG While I was playing pokemon black 1 I was wondering what made them think about inventing the game pokemon. Well I researched and found out that what made them think about inventing it was from catching bugs and watching monsters on tv. The guy who thought about it was called Satoshi Tajiri and of course he lived in Japan.
Comment to "Eyes On Anime" "Demon King Daimao"
10fantageG :D
Created blog entry Now watching Demon King Daimao!!
10fantageG I am watching Demon King Daimao and when I watched the first episode it gave me excitement. Whenever I watch some other shows my excitement doesn't go up that much it usually has a limit to it. The show is great and I really want to watch more. If you want to know what the show is like you can look it up! ^-^
Replied to If you could create an anime?
10fantageG If I was able to create anime then I would make it a romance/comedy with a little bit of drama in it. I don't want to overdo the drama. Well I don't really know any voice actors since I am not interested in them. But I don't know if its really gonna be anime. When it comes to me telling a story I would be writing on a piece of paper.
Comment to Help Me Find Anime Title
10fantageG I found it! ^-^ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100317192528AAUkQaC
Comment to Help Me Find Anime Title
10fantageG It kind of sounds like mermaid melody but I bet its this because it is so similar xDD http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100317192528AAUkQaC
Replied to Does anyone know....
10fantageG These could help you out! ^-^ http://myanimelist.net/manga/4470/Shitsuji-sama_no_Okiniiri/userrecs http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100217184426AAUi6Jn http://forums.mangafox.me/threads/323014-Romance-cute-butler-involving-manga http://www.mangatank.com/manga/redei-x-bato http://forums.mangafox.me/archive/index.php/t-87489.html?s=38b6307d975e29faa1667480fe059740 Lol haha now I am thinking about a anime plot now xD Well what I was thinking was that a rich girl wanted to be a butler but girls weren't aloud to be a butler, they have to be a maid (She wanted to be a butler because when she was younger she promised to a boy something). So she cutted her hair short and got herself into a butler/maid school. There were seperate classes that were for boys and girls. The main rule at the school is that you should NOT fake your gender or else you will be disqualified as a butler/maid. She met two boys in the same class as her and somehow they both figured out she was a girl. The two boys kept her little secret but a little love triangle began. The teachers started to get suspicous. Are they able to keep her little secret from the entire school figuring out she is a girl?
Replied to Does anyone know....
10fantageG Hmm.. I can look for it
Replied to Reasonable Suggestions to Help make the Site even Better.
10fantageG Lol I pretty much learn on my own with this kind of stuff. I would press on buttons and try to figure stuff out. Pretty simple!! ^-^
Comment to "Eyes on Anime" "Toradora"
10fantageG Alot of animes were forceful like that, and when it comes to those kind of animes I drop them easily. I like animes that have relationships grow slowly. The ones that have slow growing relationships are the ones that are probably more interesting.
Comment to Subject
10fantageG xD
Created blog entry Subject
10fantageG While I was posting something on one of the forums I kind of thought of a little anime plot that would be very interesting!! ^-^   Well what I was thinking was that a rich girl wanted to be a butler but girls weren't aloud to be a butler, they have to be a maid (She wanted to be a butler because when she was younger she promised a boy something). So she cutted her hair short and got herself into a butler/maid school. There were seperate classes that were for boys and girls. The main rule at the school is that you should NOT fake your gender or else you will be disqualified as a butler/maid. She met two boys in the same class as her and somehow they both figured out she was a girl. The two boys kept her little secret but a little love triangle began. The teachers started to get suspicous. Are they able to keep her little secret from the entire school figuring out she is a girl?   Does it sound good! :D
Created blog entry OTAKU DAY \(^-^)/ DECEMBER 15th is the WORLD DAY OF OTAKU!!
10fantageG Spread this guys!! ATTENTION: since you're Otaku ... both you and me should spread this: Hello everyone through this publication I want to inform about an important news. It has been decided to name the day of the Otaku which would be held this December. The decision has been taken together with other communities and ask for your support because without it, it wont work out, we do it because we are a community like any other, and we need a day just for us. We ask for your support by spreading this message to all the pages of Otaku that you guys know about. With this we will get the place we deserve. We are part of society .......... I ask for your support please. remember DECEMBER 15th is the WORLD DAY OF OTAKU!! So copy and pasted this message onegaii! post it in the most visited places by Otakus, Anime and Manga fans! => Otaku no Machi Mia
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